Resilience + Google
In partnership with Google Cloud, Climate Engine helps accelerate the use of Earth data analytics throughout enterprises to help them build economic resilience to planetary change.
Visit SpatiaFi
Explore Climate Engine’s marquee application for Spatial Finance
Climate Engine is proud to join Google Cloud Ready – Sustainability to help Google Cloud customers achieve sustainability goals.
The planet is facing unprecedented change.
Global average temperatures have surpassed record highs compared to the past 1,000 years. Our global social and economic infrastructure was built on the presumption that our climatic system was stable. This is no longer the case.
Despite commitments to reduce greenhouse gases, emissions are still increasing and our climate is becoming more volatile. Current and future security depends on our ability to keep up with, understand, and respond quickly to this volatility and the resulting impacts to our economic systems.
Extreme weather events are now more frequent and more severe, causing trillions of dollars in losses today.
The impacts of planetary change are felt today across every major economic sector including finance, supply chains, manufacturing, agriculture, and infrastructure. Yet, these risks are largely hidden from the economic system until well after they happen.
If we have any hope of managing rising risks in the future, we must learn to manage them today.
A Partnership for Spatial Finance
Fortunately, through advances in satellite data, cloud computing, and Earth sciences, we have the tools to monitor the planet like never before.
By connecting ‘always-on’ insights about the planet to financial assets and company operations, we help companies and financial institutions make better decisions about resource allocations, investments, and responses to a changing planet by identifying where risks have been, what their trends are, where they are today, next week, next quarter, and next decade.
This is one of the biggest big data challenges in the world, it is one of the most important. This challenge is at the core of the Climate Engine and Google Cloud partnership.
A History of Collaboration
Climate Engine Founded at DRI
Climate Engine was founded in 2014 at the Desert Research Institute (DRI) with a grant from Google’s Geo For Good to work closely with the team at Google Earth Engine. The Desert Research Institute DRI is one of the world’s preeminent Earth systems research facilities with a focus on planetary change to hydrological systems.
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Climate Engine Services Research Community
For over 4 years, Climate Engine in collaboration with Google Earth Engine helps service the Earth observation research community by providing an easy to use interface for quickly connecting remote sensing and climate data sets. Over 1,500 leading scientists from around the world now use the research application and APIs to drive cutting edge, published science. Notably, Climate Engine works with NOAA to help deliver near-real time drought analytics to
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Climate Engine Goes Commercial with Google Cloud
With Google Earth Engine beginning to move towards commercial use, Climate Engine is chosen as a partner to help leverage the incredible power of Earth Engine’s data catalogue and parallelized processing for commercial applications. A technology transfer process from DRI to Climate Engine Inc. allows the company to build off the years of research and development experience at DRI to begin building client driven solutions for financial and operational resilience.
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Climate Engine Launches Industry Solution ‘SpatiaFi‘ with Google Cloud
Climate Engine, with the global team at Google Cloud, launch ‘SpatiaFi‘ with leading companies across industries including agriculture, finance, supply chain, transportation, infrastructure, manufacturing, professional services, and the public sector. SpatiaFi is a spatial finance application built to measure and predict the financial impacts of planetary change.
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